Hi! I’m Emily


The first few years of teaching can leave some with PTSD.  My story is no different.  I worked in one of the toughest schools in my city where poverty, drugs, and school politics drama were the norm.  I was quickly smacked in the face with the reality of being an intern with no mentor or master teacher merely trying to survive.

Survive, I did!  Fast forward almost 30 years with one Master's Degree and two children later, and the fruits of my labor are paying off.  My area of expertise is in reading instruction and intervention in addition to mentoring new teachers.  My hope is that I can pay it forward and help you have an easier time at the start of your career than I did.  I invite you to let me guide you along the way!

Ready to get started?


Join my waitlist for membership and get guidance for every step of your new teaching journey!

Let’s get social.


A private community where it is safe to share, discuss, celebrate, and ask whatever you'd like without repercussions. 

More to come

Personalized mentoring


Opportunities to meet with Emily monthly for small group coaching sessions related to various topics.

More to come

Weekly Podcast


Have a listen in your spare time to pick up tips, strategies, and resources.

More to come

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